
Naughty Faeries Online Comic Con Experience

Created by Comic Art Groupie - Wendy Steen Shaner

An online comic convention experience, the Kickstarter way! All the con SWAG, without the lines.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Winners fir the Giveaway Announced! Congratuations
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 08:51:38 PM

Naughty ONes

Thank you again for all your support throughout this amazing project!

It was a blast and the best campaign for Naughty Faeries to date! Thank you all!

The winners have been drawn for the 1/1 Metal cover and the 4 holofoil covers by Lorenzo Sperlonga/Wendy Steen Shaner! 

I did a live facebook draw for weeks 2-4 because the winners for week 2 and 3 withdrew from the campaign. If you would like to see the drawing you can find them at the group page or NFSA-Formally Comic Art Groupie 

If you Can't wait for don't have access to Facebook Here are the Winners

Metal Cover - George Gressett

Week 1 Holofoil Winner  - Mike Wesoloski

Week 2 Holofoil Winner - Nicole Lindner

Week 3 Holofoil Winner - Lee Ditsworth

Week 4 Holofoil Winner - Jason Hutchens

Congratulations to our winners of the giveaway!

Also, please be sure to get me your con photos and panel suggestions this week as I am getting the program ready for printing. you can email them to [email protected]

I am finishing up the up the backerkit survey! Super important that this is filled out ASAP. I am getting things printed and want to make sure I have an accurate count of everything. The sooner I get these back, the sooner I can fulfill and get the magical goodness to you all!

Thank you again for an amazing Con! This was awesome!

Have a Naughty Day

The Naughtiest Faerie


YOU DID IT! and Next Steps
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Feb 02, 2020 at 12:31:12 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Final 15 hours
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 10:58:24 PM

Naughty Ones,

Thank you all for your support and for backing this project. Each of you have added to the con expreience and made this campaign amazing! Those who havent backed but have shared and watched, thank you for spreading the word. You are awesome. 

In the 15 hours of the campaign, I was recently asked why is there so much swag. 

The best way I can answer it is this... I wanted this to be an experience, so when your reward package arrives you feel like you were actually out at a convention. The lanyard, badge, con bag, and program. That's just the start. If you choose a different admission package you could have a T-shirt, a holofoil cover by Stef Wilson and Kerry Anne, challenge coin, prints, photographs... the list goes on and on. 

This has been an incredible kickstarter. I've made some incredible friends through this campaign. I've been able to cross promote with some of the best independent creators out there, Big Dog Ink, Totally Rad Comics, Sacred Comics, and Cara Nicole with Firebitch! I could not have asked for a better response and I want to thank everybody who's backed, shared, talked about the project or who brought backers in. You guys are amazing in this could not have been done without you. 

The metal covers and holofoil give aways update. At the start of the campaign since preview night I have done drawings every week of the campaign. We have a preview night winner for the 1 of 1 holofoil cover and three holofoil cover winners for the 1 of 4 Lorenzo Sperlonga covers. Unfortunately 2 winners have backed out of the campaign. Thats good news for those who have stayed. I will be redrawing the winners of the giveaway at the end of the capaign. In addition to selecting a vigin gold member for the 1 of 1 metal cover by Stef Wilson and the Stef Wilson commision. Hang in there guys we are almost there.

So here we are. In less than 15 hours the project will end! It has been such a rush. Ends at 7PM PST TONIGHT!!!

If you haven't back the project you're missing out on a lot of fun. We have  unlocked 22 stretch goals with the most recent, a  foil embossed print by Mike Renzine.

Let's finish off this kick starter with a big Bang we're almost there! Can we hit 200 backers and get that FREE STEF Wilson VIP cover! YES WE CAN!!! Thanks for this wild ride!

The Naughtiest Faerie 


Final 3 days and next steps
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 12:26:57 AM

Naughty Ones

 Thank you all for your ongoing support! The Naughty Faeries Comic Con has been a blast! So many exciting things have happened....we had a couple live facebook activites and artist alley chats, interview on crowdfunding comics on youtube, give away, 20 free stretch goals have been unlocked and cross promotions with amazing creators, but are aren't done yet!  We still have stretch goals to unlock and gold memeberships to claim plus the final three giveaways.   So exciting! Plus our backer bonus of a FREE swimsuit edition by Stef Wilson and Kerry Anne!  

You all have done so much and the sharing out and talking about the project helps bring more backers and more freebies. If you know someone who might be interested in the project bring them in and share. Let's make the world a little naughtier!  

Let's keep up the momentum and finish strong in the final 3 days.  Also one of the stretch goals is for backers to create programming titled and send in their favorite con moments photos. How awesome to have your favorite moments captured in the program.  If you guys can start sending that in asap that would be awesome. 2 weeks after the campaign closes we go to print so I need this in time to get it in the program. Please please email me [email protected]. The sooner the better, you earned this special reward.  

Also backers who have a tshirt coming in the VIP all access admission....please get me you sizes asap so I can get those ordered. Once the campaign closes and funds around feb 14 I will be sending out a backerkit survey, so I can get a final count for the orders. There is so much stuff to get I want to make sure everything comes in a timely manner. To get things shipped within  our target timeline. I dont want to wait. If we can get all the surveys back in a week, I will throw in a surprise bonus in your packages.   

Thank you again for making this Naughty Faeries Comic Con historic and memorable! You Naughty backers! 

 The Naughtiest Faerie


almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 12:25:47 PM

Naughty Ones

Let me start by saying that I am so overwhelmed and happy with how much support this campaign has received. You guys are AWESOME! Thank you so much for all your support! You honestly don't know how much it means to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

OK, enough of mushy stuff....on to the EXCITING NEWS!!!!

We have partnered with Big Dog Ink in an INCREDIBLE Cross Promotion.

Backers for both the Shahrazad and Naughty Faeries Kickstarters will receive a FREE 5x7 Holofoil PRINT with their package. Physical backers will get a physical print, and Digital backers will receive a digital wallpaper! SQUEEEE!!!!

FREE 5x7 Holofoil Print Cross Promotion - Sharhrazad and Maeven

So such a great Deal!

We also have a cross promotion with Firebitch for a FREE Cara Card exclusive to both campaigns!

You can never have too much Cara!

Cara Nicole's Cara Card for backing Firebitch and Naughty Faeries

Naughty Faeries and Totally Rad Comics Cross Promotion for a FREE Print when you back both campaigns!

Totally Rad Comic Cross Promotion Promo

Finally we have a Cross Promotion with Abigail on Indiegogo when you back both campaigns.

Abigail Crosspromotion - FREE TRADING CARD

Just let me know you when you back one of these Special Cross Promotion campaigns, and I will make sure it gets in your package!

All of the creators are so excited to cross promote and get their work into your hands! We can't wait to share these FREE goodies with you.

You have unlocked 20 STRETCH GOALS! Which means they are FREE for backers! If you haven't backed the campaign, NOW in the time, we only have 6 days left in the campaign!

Stretch goals unlocked and new goals

If you haven't heard about the Virgin Gold Membership. Here is the lowdown!

Bring a new backer to the campaign and get a FREE Stef Wilson Metal Card and a print, in addition to being entered into the for a 1 of 1 GOLD METAL Cover and the $100 Comission FREE by Stef Wilson!

Such a great deal!

Virgin Gold Membership Details

We are down to the last week of the campaign and also the LAST Holofoil Giveaway for a 1 of 4 Holofoil covers by Lorenzo Sperlonga and Wendy Steen Shaner! 3 winners have been selected and the final one is up for grabs! You don't want to miss out on this chance at a RARE cover, never to be printed again!

Kickstarter Shoutouts for some amazing creators who are part of the Naughty Faeries Family. If you get a chance to check them out, they can always use some love!

Dark Devil #1 -

Up from the Skies #1 -

Nyobi: Birthright - Part 1 of 2 :

With so much happening and so much excitement with the campaign, it is such a great month for Kickstarters!

We can use your help, please share out the campaign, and help us reach 200 backers! This will unlock a Special Backer Bonus for a FREE Stef Wilson COVER that will be FREE to backers! What a great deal!

Whew! So much information, if you need help, please let me know, message me on Kickstarter, or email me at [email protected].

Thank you again!

Have a Naughty Night
